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Screenshot notifications on Instagram Stories are a fact


Screenshot notifications on Instagram Stories are a fact

Screenshot notifications on Instagram Stories are a factAt the end of the year 2017, the news concerning the notifications at the moment of taking screenshots on Instagram stories was published, however, not all users had said function, because the famous photos and video app developers were still working on it. The workers already finished and the d... see more »

The Instagrm effect


The Instagrm effect

Instagram’s Popularity Most things now are driven by money and standardization of people’s lives, it is not odd that social networks are used for the same, given that those are constituted by the offer of a service… rather than just be a clear channel of communication between people. Taking that in notice, we have to be aware of how things wor... see more »

Linkedin - Download


Linkedin - Download

LinkedIn is one of the most appreciated tools right now, one of the main things companies analyze of potential employers and even partners, is their job history and certified knowledge; simply put, their professional well-structured resume. LinkedIn is your digital profile that collects everything of your hard work and put it together with a nice sta... see more »

Snapchat: fighting through competition


Snapchat: fighting through competition

Let’s chat about snapUpdate season! Snapchat already added their new set of creative and personalization tools, just as the ongoing rally to defend itself against Instagram continues.This tool set that is boosting up their present arsenal is setting up the new feud between the companies, and since Facebook has several brands under its wing, it is cle... see more »